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Moments That Keep Me Happy.

Hello again lovely people, I hope you are having a good week so far. It's nearly Friday which means the weekend so that's something to be happy about. Not sure if this kind of blog post is too random but random is fun right?

I thought a blog post about what makes me happy would be something fun to write about and keep my mood booming and you might even enjoy this random post, who knows?

So lets begin....

1) Being surrounded by family, my boyfriend and friends - This is very important for me because I am definitely not one of them people that likes their own company. Being around the people that I love so much makes me so happy and I love creating memories nothing means more to be that doing fun things with the people I love and creating memories.

2) Winnie - You may not know but I have a cat called Winnie and even though she can be a little devil at times I love her a lot. She gives the best cuddles but she is always up for playing and that is just so much fun.

3) Reading - I actually love reading but I don't always seem to get round to reading that much. I haven't actually read much at all this year but I have loved everything I have read so far which is. Girl Online by Zoe Sugg, I read this book when I was on holiday in Crete and I literally could not put the book down I loved it so much. Today I have just finished reading Brand New Me by Charlotte Crosby, I love this girl she is so funny and inspiring this is another book that I couldn't put down I loved it and right now I am currently reading Girl Online On Tour by Zoe Sugg (the second book) and I already love it.

4) YouTube - I love watching YouTube videos they are so fun.

I love watching the following people

- Alice May Snell, Although she has stopped Vlogging for the time being the videos she has already done do definitely not get boring. She is so lovely and so fun to watch and she has a very cute cat called Tiggy, what more could you possibly ask for?

- iJustine, She is great and she makes me laugh I love her videos, they are always so random and never get boring. I always get excited when I see iJustine has uploaded a new video and I love her unboxing videos you definitely need to watch those.

- Alfie Deyes, Come on who does not love watching Alfie Deyes daily Vlogs? They are so entertaining and funny and who does not watch and wait for that morning back flip? Will be watching his Vlogs for as long as he does them.

- Zoe Sugg, We cannot forget about Zoe her YouTube videos are amazing and she does the best Vlogmas I love how excited Zoe gets excited about Christmas because I feel like I am not alone with how crazy I am about Christmas. Zoe is lovely and literally deserves all her success she has got such a kind heart and her videos are so good!

- Gabriella Lindley, I love her Vlogs and main channel videos she is generally so interesting to watch and she is also so lovely. Gabriella is another one that mostly does daily vlogs so I get so excited when I see that she has uploaded another video. And she has cute cats (goals)

- Tanya Burr, Another lovely lady that does amazing YouTube videos. Tanya seems so lovely and down to earth and her dog is just too cute for words. There is definitely never a video of Tanya's that I find boring she knows how to keep everyone entertained.

5) Travelling - I love going on holiday and travelling around the UK. I think the UK is full of beautiful places that are literally right on our door step. We get so excited about exploring other countries but seriously what about just visiting different parts of the UK I love it.

6) Shopping - There was definitely room for shopping on this list because I literally love it (not sure my bank balance would agree) but you got to do what makes you happy right?

7) Music - I love music, everyone does but just listening to it gets me in such a good mood. Even having the music playing on YouTube so you can see the video at the same time what gets better than that?

8) Instagram - Okay so Instagram made it to the list because I literally use it as a scrap book for memories so I can look back and see what I got up too each month it is so interesting to see.

9) Blogging - Of course I wasn't going to forget about blogging, even if I don't get many readers blogging brings me so much joy and that is all that matters right?

10) Sheep - Last but not least Sheep, I know this is random but Sheep are so cute they are my favorite animal ever (I have way to many teddy sheep in my bedroom) they are just so fluffy, what can you not like about that.

I hope you enjoyed this random blog post on everything that makes me happy. Please comment below on things that make you happy I would love to read them.

See you again soon for another blog post you lovely people


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